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A person giving a speech
Team of people grouped around a laptop

I can help you...

Build confidence

Improve your CV

Prep for interviews

Present confidently

Develop leadership

Success stories and kind words

Thanks Hank for the amount of focus and guidance you have given to us. It is a pleasure being a part of the team both in the market and then joining you in the group team. You have built a healthy and open working culture which cascades across continents.

Samuel Wong

What to say about Hank?! An incredible leader and really cares about people. I have a personal experience of him fighting for me and my career. I will never forget you. I am blessed for being part of your team for some time.

Alex Karam

Hank, you truly embody the meaning of the word "Leader" and am extremely privileged to have had you as the head of our function. Having met you in-person, when you came down to us before the pandemic, must say, your company was a tremendous learning experience. Wish I could learn more!

Nadeem Ulhassan

Working together with you was a great experience. Learned tons! Your knowledge and great personality are going to be missed.

Jouk Boeye

Hank, thank you for all of your support and confidence throughout my journey from the Market into the Regional PS team. I've truly appreciated your support.

Raf Simons